Saturday, November 22, 2008

How to Naturalize Daffodils

I have always admired fields of naturalized dafodills and wondered how they actually planted the bulbs in great quantities in the prairie sod. The American Daffodil Society has an excellent suggestion. Use a crowbar to rotate a hole about six to 8 inches deep, then drop in sand, peat and bone meal then the bulb then fill with sand.

Honey Bear Acorn Squash 2009 AAS Winner

I don't get too excited about AAS winners because after the initial hoopla you don't hear about them in a couple of years. But I will have to try Honey bear acorn squash. A "personal size" 1 pound fruit of the classic squash comes exclusively from my favorite seed company -- Johnny's Selected Seeds in Maine.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Down Under Pot Hanger

One of my favorite catalogs has to be Kinsman Garden. They are most noted for their plastic covered steel hanging baskets and so much more. They also must offer the widest range of down under pots available in many colors and places. But recently I discovered this hanger. And at $27 I think it would be a great addition to any deck or a front porch.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alternative to landscape fabric

I was watching Hometime on PBS Saturday afternoon. They had built a stone wall about 3 feet high . On the near side they were seeding a lawn. On the outer side , they were planting large perennials such as joe pie weed and perennial sunflowers to make a transition into a wilder area. They were using drip irrigation and an extensive amount of cedar mulch to spread round the perennials. As a weed barrier, they didn't want to use landscape fabric because as we know landscape fabric can cause a lot of problems when you're not putting a 3 inch layer of mulch on each year. Their alternative was to use 60 pound craft paper. The theory being that under the initial 3 inches of mulch, the paper would act as a weed barrier long enough for the perennials to get established and go crazy. Great idea, don't you think?

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Book Planthropology by Ken Druse

The Myths, Mysteries and Miracles of my Garden Favorites he is my favorite author's new book hitting stores just in time for Christmas.Based on the quality of his other books, I can't wait to read it. I'll report on it at a later date.

Green Envy Coneflower

With all the buzz about Green Envy coneflower, you think it was the next Knock Out Rose. I'm always wary of new flowers with truly unusual shapes or colors because in the rush to get them into the market, they may have pathetic garden performance. and need more years of breeding. However, with unique rounded petal shapes and green and magenta coloring I just have to try out in the garden this summer. I'll let you know how it works out.

Diamond Frost with Poinsettias

While researching this month's Patrick Picks column, Kevin Keilig from Heartla told me about combining a poinsettia with Proven Winners Diamond Frost Euphorbia. The delicate white babies breath type flowers are beautiful foil for a dark red poinsettia. Jan Vinyard of the former Longview Gardens told me last spring that Diamond Frost could be pruned back and used as an indoor plant. I definitely plan to make that work next fall.

Alpine Strawberries

I will never understand why Alpine strawberries or everbearing strawberries are so rarely grown. Not only because they don't send out runners and become invasive but the simple fact that they bear fruit from spring until fall.

Yes the fruit is smaller but I understand it takes just as great. It also makes a great little plant for the perennial border. So do a little research and see if Alpine strawberries are for you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proven Winners Samples

While researching my poinsettia column for n aext months Kansas City Gardener, I had to contact Proven Winners to get a picture of their Diamond Prost with a poinsettia. After talking to the marketing manager, she put me on the list to receive samples of 10 to 12 upcoming Proven Winners releases next spring. You can look forward to images and updates on next spring's blog. I am psyched.

Master Gardener Display Garden Video

One of our Johnson at County Master gardeners, Lee Brenum, has put together a beautiful video of the Display Garden next to the K-State Extension offices. Go to Enjoy!